
Posts Tagged ‘Gingrich scandal’

Paul Jacob has been a long-time activist on the issue of term limits for Congress and citizen initiative and referendum rights.  This week he highlighted Newt Gingrich’s pivotal role in Congress giving itself a 40 percent pay raise in 1989.  One of the conditions of the pay raise vote was that both parties agreed to punish any of their candidates who made it an issue in their campaigns.  In fact, a Democratic challenger nearly beat Gingrich on this issue, but fell short when the Democratic campaign committees cut off all support.

Jacob produces a daily newsletter with lots of good stuff.  Many of the topics focus on state and local misdeeds.  Jacob also does an exceptional job of covering initiative and referendum laws, including efforts in Colorado to undermine initiative rights.

You can subscribe to Paul Jacob’s free newsletter at the website thisiscommonsense.com.



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